Friday, April 10, 2009

Tianjin Continued

Post award ceremony, our exhausted Shanghai Hobo/Baijiu heroes jumped on the Beijing bus and joined all tournament participants at a restaurant. We parked ourselves at a big corner table, started eating lots of delicious Chinese food, and opened up a crate of free beer (thank god for sponsorship). The food was amazing and the beer flowed No more than 15 minutes go by before we are informed by the Beijing players next to our table that we are being involved in a game. I like to call this game - drink the beer. Anyways, the idea is that any time a cap is thrown into your glass you are obliged to drink. Basically, this means that a veritable hail of caps are being flung back and forth between tables and lots of beer is being consumed. The recipe for a good party :)

I don't want to get into many more details for the night, except to list these highlights:

1) Watching Burrowes and Phil drink in the beer frisbee race. Who knew a 120 lb man could drink so much?
2) Joe being hilarious and ridiculous. I also believe he showed a group of girls his PA.
3) All the MVPs being told to take their shirts off to accept their awards. Jeff's band-aid enhanced nipples were particularly hilarious.

After all of this nonsense, we jumped back on the party bus and headed to Beijing. I don't remember too much from the bus except that I had a great time and left almost all of my belongings on the bus (luckily, they were recovered by Beijing players)...

More Beijing adventures to follow soon...

- Jon
P.S. To read more about Tianjin or Asian Ultimate in general check out Tao's blog (one of many) at

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