Sunday, March 8, 2009

Migraine Free

A couple of days ago I had an incredibly painful headache. It was some of the worst pain I've ever had and it was completely debilitating. I couldn't do anything. I couldn't study, I couldn't watch movies, I couldn't read, I couldn't even sleep... It sucked. The pain would come in waves too. Everything would be fine for a couple of minutes and then suddenly it would feel like my head was being ripped apart. What was really weird was that it came out of nowhere - I have no idea what could have triggered it. I'm assuming it was a migraine, but I wish I knew why it happened (so I could avoid having another one)... In any case, the migraine is gone now and I'm just left with a lingering (normal) headache. There is a silver lining to this cloud though... I've appreciated these past two days so much more, just because I'm not in intense pain. Nothing else matters when your head doesn't feel like it's being torn apart. On that happy note, I will leave you loyal readers. More posts will follow soon!

- Jon

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