Sunday, November 16, 2008

"When the magnolia blossoms fill the air..."

This past weekend was spent in Shanghai (like many weekends before). We went in early on Friday in an attempt to procure tickets to the Masters Cup and watch Federer dominate. Unfortunately, the scalpers outside the stadium didn't have anything in our price range :( I was a little bummed that we couldn't get tickets, but the night ended up being a blast anyways.

I feel like I'm in a different frame of mind living here in China. I am focused on taking advantage of the unique opportunities that I am presented with here (as diverse as they are). This might not sound like much of a revelation, but my whole approach is different than it was in New York. In NYC, I was constantly surrounded by a remarkable variety of exciting new things. I was able to partake in some cool activities, but I let a lot pass by... This isn't to say that I wasn't enjoying myself in NYC, but I was enjoying myself in the same way I've grown accustomed to without experimenting much. I spent most of my free time hanging out with friends in Brooklyn or playing frisbee. Good times for sure, but not different. In China, I find that I still spend a lot of time frisbee (frisbee is life, after all), but I approach new activities and excursions with a much more enthusiastic outlook. I'm going to Kanye West concerts, new restaurants, sweet mountains, international hockey matches, etc... Whenever a friend approaches me with a new idea, I have a little voice in the back of my head that says "you're only going to live here once - do it!" Hmmm, I just re-read that and its not terrible articulate, but I'm too tired to go back through and re-write it. Hope you're all able to decipher the babblings...

In other news, there is a definitive lack of good BBQ ribs in China. I'm contemplating building a smoker and filling this void. I'm sure many quality blog entries will result from this escapade...


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