Saturday, February 28, 2009

Chinese Gym Experience

I recently joined a gym in Shanghai (which is conveniently located near Jiaotong University) because Geoff found a really good deal. The point of this post isn't to tell you about my workout plan, but instead to relate an amusing anecdote... A couple of days ago, I entered the gym to lift some weights. First, I went into the locker to change out of my normal clothes and into some shorts. Now, the men's locker room isn't the most comfortable place in the world (what with all the naked men wandering around), but there's a general understanding that if you keep a reasonable personal distance between people and don't stare, then its all good. Anyways, I'm changing into my shorts in front of my locker and a completely naked Chinese man comes up (maybe within 16 inches of me) and starts peeling a hardboiled egg (the trash can was near my locker). Hilarious. I'm just looking over at him wondering what the hell he's doing standing naked in the locker room peeling an egg. So, he finishes peeling his egg and walks back over to his stuff and sits down and eats it. Still in the nude. Then, the dude pulls out another egg from his bag marches back over to me, peels it, and starts eating it right there. WTF, mate? At that point, I was all set, so I left the locker room giggling. Who knows how long that guy was in there naked eating eggs...

In other news, last night I saw a YouTube video that was a Chinese take on the Lazy Sunday SNL skit. Check it out...

Ok, so thats it from me now. Off to play frisbee... Will write more later!

- Jon

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