Thursday, August 14, 2008

You must think first, before you move...

We have been in Suzhou for a couple of days now and we've enjoyed ourselves immensely. We have spent most of our time running basic errands. These errands become grand quests for us though because we are almost totally unable to communicate with anybody else. Opening a bank account or setting up a cellphone plan are monumental tasks. The upside here is that it is incredibly gratifying whenever we accomplish anything. For instance, learning how to set up my alarm clock after a half hour of meddling made me so happy I almost cried.

Other highlights include:

1) Playing soccer with crazy Chinese men while rain fell from the sky and construction debris blew over our heads.

2) Deciding to purchase one of the sweet electric bikes that seem ubiquitous here. I can't wait to buy one!!!

Oh, I also have all sorts of great pictures from our time in Thailand and Cambodia so I've put a couple more on this post randomly...

- Jon

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