Friday, January 2, 2009

Sad or Amazing?

The Chinese government has mandated that during the cold winter months every student must perform some sort of physical activity for a half hour in the morning (in addition to the normal scholastic routine). On most days, this activity consists of running in large packs (by class) around the track while a gym teacher chants out "yi, er, san, si, yi, er, saaaaaaaaaan, si!" (one, two, three, four, one, two, threeeeeeeeeeeeee, four!) over the loud speaker with military marching music playing in the background. It's much funnier and odder than I can really describe, but that's the basic idea. Recently, I noticed that the school administration decided to mix up the routine a little by substituting jumping rope in for running. They pack a couple of hundred student into the gym and have them jump rope for a half hour. This all seemed well and good until I walked by the gym a couple days ago and noticed that about 20 kids were jumping rope, while the other couple hundred students jumped up and down while pretending that they had a rope. Sad or hilarious? Or both?


- Jon

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