Tuesday, October 21, 2008

"The only one who could ever reach me..."

I don't have anything in particular to say right now. I just have a few things going through my head that I want to get down...

1) Despite my previous short anti-political rant, Palin scares me. Check out the website http://www.palinaspresident.us/ move your mouse around and click on random objects in the room.

2) My parents are in China right now! They have spent the past week or so on a pretty sweet tour of "China's Tourist Highlights" (Great Wall, Forbidden City, Terracotta Warriors, tea plantation, etc...) It's pretty cool that they've come all this way to explore a new country. I'm glad that I could provide the impetus for such an adventure! I'm also pretty excited to take a couple of days to explore with them...

3) I am taking 4 days off over the next week. I emailed the foreign teacher liaison about this almost a month ago and he just told me that it wasn't possible for me to take leave. I emailed back trying to express how important this was to me and that I wasn't really asking for leave, more that I was informing him that I wasn't going to be around. At this point, he chose not to respond (this is a common tactic - if you hear something you don't like, just pretend you never heard it and under no circumstances should you confront the issue). Anyways, this situation lasted for a couple of weeks during which I'd send the odd email to remind him that I wasn't going to be around for 4 days. Just yesterday he decided to address the issue and tell the vice-principal about it. Now it's become a huge fiasco. More details will follow on this I'm sure as things develop...

4) I'm really excited to play in my first Asian frisbee tournament in Hong Kong. The level of frisbee out here is significantly lower than that in the States, but I'm still REALLY excited to play in a competitive tournament. I like the people on our team a lot and I'm looking forward to spending the weekend with them playing, eating, and partying in Hong Kong!

5) Huangshan was ridiculously beautiful and we haven't posted enough pictures of it...

Here I am saving the world...

All the lockets and a mountain view

Only in China...

- Jon

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